North Ridge

The large neighbourhood of North Ridge is a newer development that straddles the bustle of the city on one side and the serene landscape one gets from living on the edge of town on the other side.
A population of ~5,400 makes North Ridge one of the biggest neighbourhoods in St. Albert, and a median age of 32.30 sets it among the youngest. The majority of the homes are single family in the $500,000 price range. As with most of St. Albert’s newer communities, great emphasis has been placed on green spaces and walkability. While there are no commercial zones in North Ridge, there are plenty of parks. This neighbourhood is also the site of Sturgeon Heights School.
St. Albert Transit (StAT) services North Ridge with weekday local routes, access to weekday commuter routes to Edmonton, and Dial A Bus.
About North Ridge
Development Began: 2000s
Type of homes: Single-Family Homes, Townhomes, Duplexes
Parks in the area: Napoleon, Natalia, Naples, Dixon Pond
Schools in the Area
- Elementary: Sturgeon Heights School, Muriel Martin, Ronald Harvey
- Junior High: Sturgeon Heights, William D. Cuts
- Secondary: Bellerose Composite High School, St. Albert Public Outreach High School, Paul Kane (for French immersion only)
- Outdoor fitness circuit
- Walking trails
- Parks
- Outdoor skating rinks
- Lots of young families
The history of North Ridge is short but impactful. Development started in the 2000s as a response to the constant growth of the city. From the start, young families have taken a keen interest in North Ridge and it’s easy to see why. A large school serving preschool to junior high, sprawling parks, and quick access to major commuting routes makes this location absolutely ideal for families with children. In fact, North Ridge is one of the neighbourhoods in the city with the largest number of children.
It is also unsurprising that North Ridge has one of the shortest tenures; as the children grow up and move out, empty nesters tend to migrate to neighbourhoods where they can downsize and walk to shops and services.
North Ridge is vibrant, energetic, and beautiful. Those that live there, even if their time there is short, never forget the active and nature-focus of this young neighbourhood.