Forest Lawn

Sitting quietly on the eastern side of St. Albert, and beneath a canopy of mature elm trees, is the neighbourhood of Forest Lawn.
Forest Lawn is characterized by those aforementioned towering elms, but also by its well-thought-out design. Low density residential houses are the prominent feature, with medium density residences concentrated together on the northern side. It’s a short trip for those attending school at Lorne Akins or Paul Kane, as both are within the boundaries of this attractive neighbourhood. Three large greenspaces and a small amount of commercial services round out the community.
It’s affordable for the ~2,740 residents too, as the average house price is around $350,000. The maturity of this neighbourhood is reflected in the average age of 41.80.
St. Albert Transit (StAT) services Forest Lawn with weekday local routes, weekday commuter routes to Edmonton, and Dial A Bus.
About Forest Lawn
Development Began: 1970s
Type of homes: Single Family Homes
Parks in the area: Flagstone, Forest, Forest Lawn Ravine
Schools in the Area
- Elementary: Lorne Akins, Leo Nickerson, Sir Alexander Mackenzie
- Junior High: Lorne Akins
- High School: Paul Kane High School, St. Albert Public Outreach High School, Paul Kane (for French immersion only)
- Giant elm trees
- Mature, established neighbourhood
- St. Albert Daycare
- Fountain Park Recreation Centre
There is no doubt that the layout of Forest Lawn is ideal for many reasons, but you may be surprised to know that the layout was a point of hot debate! Plans were made to develop the neighbourhood quickly to accommodate St. Albert’s rapid growth (10,243 in 1968 to over 21,000 by 1975), but despite the quick development of residential zones, land on the eastern side of the community remained vacant.
Of course, everyone had differing ideas on what to do with this vacant land.
The debates ranged from additional residential to private development, but continued population growth eventually swayed opinion in a very practical direction. The land now houses a school and Fountain Park Recreation Centre.
It is impossible to disassociate Forest Lawn from it’s most distinguishing feature – charming elm trees that tower over the streets, inviting birds and nature to nest alongside this communities’ residents.